POLL INSIDE: If You’re The New York Rangers, Who Would Your Starting Goalie Be?

Show of hands – If I told you that on February 7th, 2024 we would be arguing about who should be in the New York Rangers net, would you believe me?

It has been a tale of two different stories for the Rangers goaltending tandem this season. Over the offseason, Chris Drury was able to sign Jonathan Quick to a team friendly deal in which the 3 time Stanley Cup Winner would come in to back up a former Vezina Trophy winner Igor Shesterkin. A lot of Rangers fans across the Twittersphere complained about this deal and to be honest, I get why. Since 2018-2019, Quick hadn’t had a season in which his GAA was below 2.50 or his SV% was above .910. He had just been traded away from the franchise that he spent 15 seasons with, a franchise he willed to 2 Stanley cups – including a Conn Smythe, and a franchise that was still in the middle of a playoff push. I think if you polled all NHL analysts and fans if you they had thought Quicks run as a top goaltender was over it would’ve come back with a resounding ‘YES’. However, the one thing father time didn’t account for was Rangers goaltending coach Benoit Allaire.

Since the start of the 2023-24 season, Quick has been incredible. He is 11-4-2, with a 2.35 GAA and a .918 SV%. This is great news for Rangers fans, right? The guy brought in to back up Igor is playing brilliantly – everything should be sunshine and roses.


This would be the case if Igor Shesterkin didn’t forget how to keep a hockey puck out of the net. My cohost Brownie and my friends back home have been on my ass asking about whether or not there is a goaltending controversy in New York. For the longest time, I didn’t engage with these remarks. Surely, these were just childish words to try and get me riled up, right? There couldn’t be such a thing going on. Sure, Igor wasn’t performing but he’ll find his way out of it. In no way is there any sort of goalie controversy. That is, until Monday night.

I can’t find the video but this wasn’t just some half ass remark. This was a calculated opinion in which I tend to agree. Valiquette has a pulse for what is going on inside the Rangers locker room and what is being said in the press box. He uses analytics to back up his views along with the fact that, well, he also played in the NHL. So in terms of credibility, he’s definitely up there in his thinking and projections. He might get some slack from some crazy Rangers fans but this guy eats, sleeps and breathes New York Rangers hockey. I don’t know if he’s allowed to admit it, but he is a Rangers fan and all he wants is success within the organization. If you’re asking yourself why I’m laying it on the line like this it is because he wouldn’t throw this around if it wasn’t time for a change. Vally clearly thinks it’s time for Quick to take the reins but also in hopes that Igor can use this to get angry, and do what he can to demand more time in the blue paint.

Listen, if we’re talking future of the Rangers organization, Igor is clearly the number 1. The problem is, the Rangers don’t have that much of a chance of making playoffs if Igor is going to continue to play the way he did in the months of January and December.

In my opinion, I think the Rangers roll with the hot hand as of right now. Give Benoit Allaire some extra time with Igor to work out any kinks the guy might have and let Quick live out his childhood dream of being the starting goalie for the New York Rangers. At some point, Quick will need a break and Igor will be able to step in with a chance to prove himself. Now what Igor is able to do with this chance is a different story – but if we can rebound and become the goalie that we have watched play over the last couple of seasons, then we are in a good spot for a long playoff push. The guy has done it before, the play is in him – he’s capable- he just has to do it.

The Rangers need a lot to go their way for an extended playoff push. I’m not overly thrilled with the way the special teams players play at 5v5 (93 and 20), I think there are glaring holes in the bottom 6 (has Barclay Goodrow played a game yet this year?) and some of our defenseman are still going through some growing pains (play mean 79). These issues don’t seem to be that glaring when you have goalies out there stopping pucks. Right now, the only one doing it with any sort of urgency or consistency is number 32. I say ride the hot hand and it’ll all figure itself out. What do you think?

Author: Ked

1st line thoughts with a 4th line heart. Hope you guys enjoy the site and let us know what we can do to make it better. ALWAYS remember-- When in doubt, glass and out.

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