One Since 40: Rangers Season Ends In Failure Again

For the 83rd time in the last 84 seasons, and the 29th season in a row, the original six’s most pathetic franchise failed to win the Cup.

Happy Ranger Elimination Day to all who celebrate! One of my favorite days every year, it brings me nothing but happiness to see that pathetic franchise go home empty handed again. Impressive run to the conference finals by the Rangers, but, in the words of Igor Shesterkin, “Did they win the Stanley Cup? Then it doesn’t matter.” One since 40.

The Rangers were led all season by the dirtiest player in the NHL who also just isn’t very good at playing defense. It has been well documented for years that Trouba goes out there every game attempting to injure the opposition. The face of the Rangers franchise constantly leaps at players head’s, trying to strike them with his elbow. Trouba’s goal every game is to concuss as many players as possible. He is a vile human playing for a disgusting organization and it’s a disgrace the NHL didn’t suspend him several times in this playoff run. Trouba being the first one to raise the cup with a C on his chest would be a real low point for the sport and thankfully that won’t happen this year. One since 40.

Rangers legend Vladamir Tarasenko scored the game winning goal to end the season of his former team just one year after helping lead the Rangers to a first round loss to the Devils. Tarasenko crashed the net and the Rangers defense didn’t pay him much attention. Barkov slid a perfect pass across the ice from the boards to the back door and Shesterkin did not have much of a chance to stop the quick shot from Tarasenko. Chytil could have stopped the puck from getting across the ice, but he failed. Schneider could have tied up Tarasenko’s stick to prevent a shot, but he failed. Shesterkin maybe could have made an acrobatic save, but he failed. One since 40.

Shesterkin is the reason this series lasted longer than four games. He was legitimately awesome all playoffs and kept the Rangers in this series. But at the end of the day, thankfully, he couldn’t carry his team all the way. Much like all of Lundqvist’s career, an all world goalie just isn’t enough to carry the original six’s most pathetic franchise all the way to the cup. Not even a great playoff run from one of the best goalies in the world today could bring a championship back to the world’s most overrated arena. Just one of those things we love to see. One since 40.

Ranger fans will be alright though. They have been watching old VHS tapes of 1994 everyday for the last 30 years, they can just keep doing that. Seems like every few years they release a “new” documentary or 30 for 30 about the spring of 94 when both residents of the world’s most overrated arena went on playoff runs at the Oilers won a championship wearing Rangers uniforms. Sam Rosen told you when it happened, “This one will last a lifetime”, and he wasn’t kidding. The most pathetic member of the original six has only won four championships and three of them came when there were only five teams to compete with. They have won one championship since the FDR administration. One since 40.

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