The Morning Skate Announces ACHA Beauty of The Week Award

HUGE news out of The Morning Skate camp today. Originally we were going to do a week by week update of Biz Dev Dales Farewell tour of being a 25 year old senior in the ACHA. Don’t worry, we’re still going to do that. HOWEVER, I thought why is he the only one who gets the limelight? There’s plenty of club hockey savages out there who pretend that they’re D1, slam beers, play Chel and live that ACHA life. We all love hockey, am I right?

This is what we’re going to do— every week of the season we are going to announce and blog an ACHA Beauty of the Week. Obviously, this will be one HELL of a prestigious honor, much more memorable than any Team Award I’ve ever won (I’ve won dozens). Whoever wins this award will be walking around campy with a strut that no NC double A player has ever seen before. Yeah, cool guys, you get to fill out 8 pages of paperwork with the NCAA and become their property. Take a lap.

So here’s what you have to do. Do you know a player that goes above and beyond the call of duty? Do you know a player that is the life of the party and deserves acknowledgement? If you know anyone who deserves the recognition of being The ACHA Beauty of the week, send us an email at First things first, include the School and Player Name in the subject. After this, along with a picture of the player, give us a brief description of why this player should be given this illustrious honor. I want more than just— “This player scored 4 goals and had an assist this weekend.” To me, that just means they’re a try hard. The background story is just as important as the accolades. This player has to embody the meaning of the ACHA and club hockey. I’m talking on ice as well as off ice performance and the ability to take over a room as a club hockey god or goddess. What’s up ladies?

Once this player is chosen, I’ll sauce a blog up as to why I’m impressed and we’ll be sure to feature this story on our Morning Skate podcast. We’re in the beginning phases of this, but it wouldn’t be out of the realm to have a poll at the end of the year awarding Top Beauty. Hopefully by then we can come up with a prize. Naturally, I’ll have to get together with Biz Dev Dale to discuss this, so fingers crossed.

Now it’s up to you guys. Go out there and share the hell out of this. Retweet it, like it, tag your teammates– whatever you have to do, Tell your coach, tell your teammates, tell your friends and family— I don’t care. I want this award to mean something to all of you beauties out there. It’s time to put club hockey on the map within the hockey community. At the very least, it’ll be something funny to talk about during Kangaroo Court.

Be sure to follow us on Twitter and Instagram (@Morning_Skate) for updates on all ACHA talk as well as other hockey talk. Shoot us a like on Facebook, that’s at the bottom of the page. LETS GO and lets have some fun.

Author: Ked

1st line thoughts with a 4th line heart. Hope you guys enjoy the site and let us know what we can do to make it better. ALWAYS remember-- When in doubt, glass and out.

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